Fast Forward Academy EA Review

fast forward academy ea review

Fast Forward Academy is newer on the test review scene, and the Fast Forward Academy Enrolled Agent Review course helps prepare candidates to take the EA exam in 2023 with some unique features and pioneering takes on exam prep. Fast Forward Academy touts sleek software for a seamless student experience and a focus on study … Read more

Can Someone with a Criminal Record become an Enrolled Agent?

criminal record enrolled agent

Can someone with a past—specifically, a criminal record—become an Enrolled Agent? Fair warning: there’s no straightforward “yes” or “no” answer. The Background Check First, let’s clear up a misconception. Everyone, regardless of their past, can study for and take the EA exam. The IRS doesn’t put up barriers on who can prepare for and take … Read more

How to Become an Enrolled Agent (EA)

how to become an enrolled agent

An Enrolled Agent (EA) is a federally-authorized tax practitioner who represents taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). EAs may advise, represent, and prepare tax returns for individuals, partnerships, corporations, estates, trusts, and any other entity with tax-reporting requirements. Since the EA license is federal, EAs may practice in any state. Becoming an Enrolled Agent … Read more

Enrolled Agent Average Salary Prospects 2023

enrolled agent average salary

When considering a career move, understanding earning potential is crucial. Enrolled Agents (EAs) are recognized experts in taxation, but what does that expertise translate to in terms of earnings? Let’s take a deep dive into the average salaries of EAs, what influences those numbers, and how EAs stack up against other professions in the tax … Read more

EA vs CPA: Which career is right for you?

enrolled agent vs certified public acccountant

In the world of accounting and finance, credentials can be confusing. Two of the most esteemed credentials in the tax realm are the Enrolled Agent (EA) and the Certified Public Accountant (CPA). Both designations have some overlap, but how do these career paths really differ?  Here’s a deep dive into the world of EAs and … Read more

Here’s Why You Should Become an EA in 2023

enrolled agent benefits

The Enrolled Agent (EA) designation is the best kept secret in the U.S. tax industry. There are over 650,000 active CPA’s but only 87,000 EAs so it’s understandable why the designation receives less attention. Despite its relative obscurity, the EA is the highest designation granted by the IRS and offers many of the same privileges … Read more

The Enrolled Agent Exam: Difficulty, Pass Rates, and How to Study

The Special Enrollment Examination (SEE) – commonly known as the Enrolled Agent (EA) exam – is what stands between you and fellow tax professionals seeking the prestigious Enrolled Agent designation. The EA credential allows practitioners to represent taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and signifies mastery in knowledge of U.S. taxation laws and protocols.  … Read more